
Showing posts from February, 2024


Me trying to figure out what marketing is   In the competitive landscape of the film industry, advertising plays a pivotal role in the success of any project. However, despite its importance, crafting an effective advertising strategy can often feel like navigating through a maze with no clear path in sight. As filmmakers, we understand the necessity of promoting our work to reach our target audience and garner attention. Yet, the challenge lies in finding the right idea or plan that will resonate with viewers and compel them to engage with our film. The process of brainstorming advertising concepts can be both exhilarating and daunting. We grapple with questions of tone, messaging, and medium, unsure of which direction to take. In today's digital age, the options for advertising are seemingly endless, from social media campaigns to traditional print ads. Yet, with so many avenues available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to invest our time and resources. Mor

We have a date

 Hello everyone.  Embarking on a collaborative filmmaking project with friends is a thrilling endeavor, but sometimes, unexpected challenges arise that put our commitment to the test. Recently, my friends and I diligently coordinated schedules to pick out a filming date that worked for everyone. The excitement was palpable as we envisioned bringing our creative vision to life on screen. However, just as everything seemed to fall into place, I was hit with the crushing realization that I wouldn't be able to attend the filming day due to unforeseen circumstances. The disappointment was palpable, knowing that I wouldn't be physically present to contribute to the filming process. Despite this setback, I remained determined to fulfill my role in the project. With unwavering commitment, I reassured my friends that I would take on the responsibility of editing the film, ensuring that my absence wouldn't hinder the progress of our project. It was a bittersweet moment, as I grappled

Nat Quals; Debate

Hello, I had a tournament this weekend so here's how it went. Participating in a public forum debate tournament was an exhilarating experience, filled with highs and lows that tested both my skills and resilience. From the moment I stepped into the bustling atmosphere of the tournament venue, I knew I was in for a rollercoaster ride of intellectual discourse and fierce competition. The thrill of engaging in structured debates on pressing issues of the day was undeniable, as I relished the opportunity to articulate my arguments and counter my opponents' points with precision and eloquence. There's something uniquely invigorating about the back-and-forth exchange of ideas in front of a live audience. Yet, amidst the excitement, there were moments of intense challenge that pushed me outside of my comfort zone. Whether it was facing off against opponents with opposing viewpoints or navigating complex rebuttals on the fly, every round presented its own set of hurdles to overcome

Trying to plan

  Planning a day to meet up with friends for a movie filming session sounded like a blast, but little did I know it would turn into a logistical puzzle. As we excitedly discussed our project, everyone seemed eager to dive in and bring our vision to life. However, as the days passed and we attempted to nail down a date, it became apparent that everyone's schedules were jam-packed. Between work commitments, family obligations, and personal errands, finding a common free day seemed nearly impossible. We started off optimistically, tossing around a few potential dates, but each suggestion was met with a chorus of conflicting schedules and prior engagements. It felt like we were playing a never-ending game of calendar Tetris. Even our best efforts to compromise and shuffle things around fell short, as it seemed that every time one person was available, another had to bow out due to unforeseen circumstances. The frustration mounted as we realized that our dream of a fun-filled filming da

First day back

 Hello everyone. I have so much to catch you up on.   Ah, the exhilarating whirlwind that was my trip to Boston has left me utterly exhausted, as if I've traversed every cobblestone street and explored every nook and cranny of this historic city. From the moment I stepped foot in Boston, it felt like a non-stop journey of discovery, but now, as I sit here reflecting on my adventures, my body feels like it's been through a marathon. The early morning flights, the bustling streets, and the endless sightseeing have taken a toll on me. Despite my excitement and energy fueling me through each day, the sheer amount of walking and exploring has drained me completely. My feet ache as if they've walked miles upon miles, which, to be fair, they probably have. The late nights spent soaking in the city's vibrant nightlife now seem like a distant memory, overshadowed by the overwhelming fatigue that has settled in. Even the thought of trying out Boston's famous seafood delights

Harvard Trip

 Hello everyone! I have so much to update you on. Isa and I are apart of the Speech and Debate team here at my school. And we just got back from the Harvard University Tournament. It was such an amazing experience. We left Friday morning and took a connecting flight to make it to Boston. We got there in the afternoon so we had time to settle down. We competed all day Saturday and Sunday. It was extremely exhausting. My last round on Saturday was at 9 PM. I was very tired. But on the bright side we saw a bit of snow which was cool. Monday was Isa’s birthday so the whole team went out to breakfast together. It was very sweet. We all sang Happy Birthday to her. Isa and I had good results. She broke into Triple Octos in Original Oratory. Andres and I went 3-3, meaning we won 3 rounds and lost. 3 rounds. We were so close to breaking. We then watched some final rounds of other events. Overall, it was a good learning experience and a fun trip.

Not again …

 Hello everyone! How’s everything? I hope you are doing good. Last class my group and I had such a good plan. We were going to see when our schedules align. But you won’t believe what happened. Basically, we were sitting in class and the PA system comes on. Our Principle is telling some buildings they need to evacuate. We were really confused. But we just stayed in class and waited. Then they told my building to evacuate. So we had to pack up all our stuff and go outside. We stood on the softball field for an hour and a half. We honestly thought that they were going to send us home. But they let us go back to class. Turns out, it was a stink bomb that went off. But it was described as a “biohazard”. Which is really strange because a stink bomb cannot harm anyone. But now we need to figure this out. Until next time, bye!

Emory Trip

 Hello everyone! So it’s been really hard for all of us to find a day to film. As you know Lauren and I have been working a lot. Isa and I are competitive debaters and we’ve been traveling. Just two weeks ago we had went to Emory University in Atlanta Georgia. We were there for 5 days. Next week we will be going to Harvard in Boston Massachusetts. So it’s been really busy. We are thinking about filming the week of the 23rd of February. It’s possible if we don’t work but Lauren and my schedule is not out yet. Also we need permission to go and film as well. We know for sure that we are going to film at night. Which is helpful because I can easily switch with someone. But I’m not sure if Lauren has that much flexibility. Another thing to take into account is that Savannah lives far from the rest of us. So I’m not sure how she’ll get to our filming sight, especially at night.