Time to edit

 Hi everyone! We finally re-filmed everything. It was a huge job to fill, but my team got it done. Words cannot describe how proud I am of us. This project we really worked hard to get all the work done. Now it's time to edit the footage. I was sent all the footage last night. So my plan for this week is to edit, cut, and paste together all the pieces. As well as put the audio together. I edited the very first project we did. So I have some experience in doing this. However, I need to make sure that this is top notch. I have never edited a movie before, or any longer films. The closest I've edited to that is my YouTube videos. And those were just for fun. Not the deciding factor of passing my class. I am extremely nervous about it. But I hope that this all comes out the way it needs too. My friends will help me out. Until next time!


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